Swietokrzyskie Innovation System

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Swietokrzyskie Innovation System - Introduction

Smart specialisations are the areas of economic activity that can affect the growth of competitiveness and innovativeness in the region. In the Świętokrzyskie Province, seven specialisations have been selected that make the best use of the geographic, raw material and intellectual potential of the region.

Effective use of the opportunities that give us the EU funds in the new 2014-2020 financial perspective is a condition for economic development and strengthening the competitiveness of our region. The Regional Innovation Strategy was established as a result of the cooperation of business, local government and academic groups. We pointed out seven smarts, seven specialisations due to which we use the intellectual and economic potential of the region. The concentration of the Regional Operational Programme funds on science, innovation, implementation of new technologies in enterprises resulted in the opportunity for new workplaces and sustainable development of our region.

Date of publication: Tuesday, 21 June 2016

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copyrights @ 2010 - 2024
Marshall Office of the Swietokrzyskie Region
Investment and Development Department
Innovation and Knowledge Transfer Unit
Human capital - National Cohesion Strategy European Union - European Social Fund
Project is co-financed by the European Union under the European Social Fund