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Swietokrzyskie Innovation System - The Smart Specializations
Smart specialisations are the areas of economic activity that can affect the growth of competitiveness and innovativeness in the region. In the Świętokrzyskie Province, seven specialisations have been selected that make the best use of the geographic, raw material and intellectual potential of the region. Effective use of the opportunities that give us the EU funds in the new 2014-2020 financial perspective is a condition for economic development and strengthening the competitiveness of our region. The Regional Innovation Strategy was established as a result of the cooperation of business, local government and academic groups. We pointed out seven smarts, seven specialisations due to which we use the intellectual and economic potential of the region. The concentration of the Regional Operational Programme funds on science, innovation, implementation of new technologies in enterprises resulted in the opportunity for new workplaces and sustainable development of our region. Metal and Casting Industry Metal-casting industry is one of the most developed sectors of the economy of the Świętokrzyskie region. It derives its potential from traditions dating back to the times of the Old Polish and Central Industrial District. It is nearly one thousand five hundred active enterprises and about ten thousand workplaces. Almost 12% of the total value of sold industrial production proves the above-average role of this sector in the economy of the region.- The products of the metal casting plants of the Świętokrzyskie region effectively compete on the European and world markets. Currently the products of this industry account for nearly 30% of the value of total export of the region. It is the merit of offering customers a diverse product range which is prepared basing on modern machinery, laboratories for quality control and also automation and robotics of production. The plants of metal-casting industry benefit from the latest technologies and still continue to invest in innovative solutions that enable the expansion of the offer. The coordinator of the implementation of specialisation in metal-casting industry is Staropolska Izba Przemysłowo-Handlowa [The Staropolska Chamber of Industry and Commerce]. Modern Agriculture and Food Processing An important specialisation of the economy of the Świętokrzyskie Province is modern agriculture and food processing. The production of this sector in 2013 represented 16% of the total sales value of the Province. The region occupies a leading position in Poland in terms of fruit and vegetable production, and especially the production of apples. Meat, dairy, flour milling, confectionery and fruit and vegetable processing industries are dynamically developing. New processing plants with modern technological facilities are established. Export potential of the industry, which successfully finds new markets, is still increasing. Alongside the recognised and leading food companies, small, specialised establishments appear that offer technologically advanced products, including freeze-dried food. The coordinator of the specialisation implementation of modern agriculture and food processing is Ośrodek Promowania Przedsiębiorczości Rolnej [the Centre for the Promotion of Agricultural Entrepreneurship] in Sandomierz. Health and health- promoting tourism Unique medicinal water resources, mainly sulfide/hydrogen sulfide brines and iodine bromide, specific, mild microclimate and clean air caused that health and pro-health tourism was among the main directions of economic development of the region. The most famous spas are: Busko-Zdrój and Solec-Zdrój. It is here that the spa facilities of a broad therapeutic profile, equipped with specialised and constantly improved equipment, are most rapidly growing. Accommodation and recreational facilities with spa facilities and long-term care facilities are established across the region. Scientific and research facilities with a biobank at Regionalne Centrum Naukowo-Technologiczne [the Regional Centre for Science and Technology] and the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach [Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce] are developed. A few universities from the Świętokrzyskie region educate specialists in physiotherapy. The investments related to the exploitation of the thermal and sulfide water intakes in the area of Kazimierza Wielka can become a huge chance for further development of the spa industry. They have chemical properties similar to waters from Busko-Zdrój and Solec-Zdrój and generate exceptional in the country performance of 300 m³ per hour. The coordinator of the specialisation implementation in health and pro-health tourism is Busko-Zdrój Spa S.A.
Resource-efficient construction industry The Świętokrzyskie Province has a large potential for the development of resource-efficient construction. Unique in the country mineral resources make the region one of the largest manufacturers of gypsum, cement and aggregates. The above is reflected in the presence of large business entities with both domestic and foreign capital. More and more products in the construction sector, such as window frames, building ceramics and finishing elements are gaining recognition on foreign markets. Well-known real estate developers and finishing works companies operate in the region. The activities of Świętokrzysko-Podkarpacki Klaster Budowlany INNOWATOR [INNOWATOR Świętokrzysko-Podkarpacki Construction Cluster] have a great importance, which facilitates access to knowledge transfer and implementation of the latest technological achievements. Long tradition combined with scientific and research potential of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture at Politechnika Świętokrzyska [Kielce University of Technology] affects the development of ecological and passive building, which contributes to the further success of this industry. Staropolska Izba Przemysłowo-Handlowa [The Staropolska Chamber of Industry and Commerce] has been chosen to be a coordinator supporting the development of this specialisation in the region. Sustainable growth of the power industry Sustainable energy development is a horizontal specialisation, which passes through the other specialisations. It fits into the overall development trends in Poland and in the world where more and more workplaces in the renewable energy sector are being created. Universities are experiencing record interest in trends related to the efficient use of energy and vocational schools open so-called "Green Classes". Sustainable energy development is an opportunity for economic growth, energy security increase and improvement of the life quality of inhabitants from our region. Through the use of wind, hydro and solar power the energy efficiency of buildings will increase and CO2 emissions will be reduced. The reduction in electricity purchase costs will increase the competitiveness of companies of the Świętokrzyskie region… The reduction of electricity cost will improve the competitiveness of companies present in Swietokrzyskie and the investments connected with well-balanced energy development will increase job opportunities especially in the building sector. The Regional Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer Ltd. is the leader of the implementation process ‘ balanced energetic development’ specialization. ICT
The ICT technologies are currently present in every field of life. There are important in the area of company management, in the company- clients relation in trade, communication with government administration, in the education process or health sector. The ICT sector is driving force of the economic growth. The smart specialization of ICT has been enumerated as the horizontal one in the Swietokrzyskie because of / due to the rising number of companies from that branch, ready , willing and able to follow (inne znaczenie niż wyraż żródłowy ale jak brzmi J ) the path of innovation. Those companies may provide the service to other entities, attract strategic investors and make well paid workplaces. In the region has been prepared the necessary telecommunication infrastructure which is up dated currently, as well as the computer laboratories and cluster initiatives integrating the sector. The following years will be devoted to support companies and institutions in the area of IT , innovative solutions and leading D+R activities. The Kielce Technology Park is the leader of the ICT smart specialization. Trade Fair and congress industry
The Trade- Congress Line has arise and been developed in the Świetokrzyskie Region due to the activities of the Targi Kielce Exhibition and Congress Center Ltd. During the last twenty years the well- known exhibition-trade fair center has been found , that is second of Poland's exhibition market leaders as well as Central and Eastern Europe. (www.targikielce.pl/en/general-information,2548.htm) At present, Targi Kielce Exhibition and Congress Center comprises of 90,000 m2 of exhibitions space, with 217,000 visitors from 60 countries, 6,000 exhibitors as well as 175,000 m2 of the exhibition space leased. The Targi Kielce calendar comprises 70 events - trade shows, exhibitions and 700 conferences, including PLASTPOL - Poland's most international trade show, the world famous MSPO which is ranked third among Europe's defence industry expos, AUTOSTRADA-POLSKA and AGROTECH - the agricultural fair which enjoys greatest attendance. Targi Kielce is the conference, seminar and concert organiser. Poland's most state-of-the-art expo pavilion (5355m2) can be used as the venue for congresses and events for 4,500 people. The new Congress Centre that has been opened in 2013, has the capacity of over 1,000 people. In Świętokrzyskie Region operates the unic in Poland and Europe cluster connecting 89 companies from the Trade- Congress Line. The new buildings with modern educational and training facilities have been rising constantly. The whole sector generates around0.5 billion of yearly income, which constitutes around 5% of region GDP. Koordynatorem wdrażania horyzontalnej specjalizacji targowo-kongresowej jest Izba Gospodarcza „Grono Targowe Kielce“. The leader of the Trade –Congress line sector is the Commerce Chamber Grono Targowe Kielce. Date of publication: Monday, 20 June 2016 |
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