Swietokrzyskie Innovation System - ICT

The ICT technologies are currently present in every field of life. There are important in the area of company management, in the company- clients  relation in trade, communication with government administration, in the education process or health sector. The ICT sector is driving force of the economic growth.

The smart specialization of ICT has been enumerated as the horizontal one in the Swietokrzyskie because of / due to the rising number of companies from that branch, ready , willing and able to follow (inne znaczenie niż wyraż żródłowy ale jak brzmi J ) the path of  innovation.

Those companies may provide the service to other entities, attract strategic investors and make well paid workplaces. In the region has been prepared  the necessary telecommunication infrastructure which is up dated currently, as well as the computer laboratories and cluster initiatives integrating the sector. The following years will be devoted  to support companies and institutions in the area of IT , innovative solutions and leading  D+R activities.

The Kielce Technology Park is the leader of the ICT smart specialization.

Date of publication: Tuesday, 21 June 2016

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Marshall Office of the Swietokrzyskie Region
Innovation and Knowledge Transfer Unit
Al. IX Wieków Kielc 3
25-516 Kielce, Poland
Phone: +48 41 342-15-47